Our Mission And Founder

About Aaron Schenk

How Do You Effectively Bridge The Gap Between Those Two Worlds?

It was a familiar verse from James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
And the personal conviction of just how to apply the Biblical concepts from Job 29 & Prov 31 for Aaron Schenk. This was the start of The Ohio Center for Justice.
Aaron is a follower of Christ, a native Ohioan, and a 16-year business manager in South Columbus. He has seen firsthand the need for advocacy and for a light to be shone on those who are vulnerable due to many life circumstances out of their control.
The vision of The Ohio Center for Justice was born from matching those in need with volunteers & professionals in the Columbus area who can provide free/ low-cost professional counsel & aid – whether in legal circles, social services, or through law enforcement channels.
Aaron is joined by his wife of 20 years & their 4 children in this mission. Contact Aaron directly at: ohiocenterforjustice@gmail.com for more information.

Our Founder

It was a familiar verse from James 1:27a “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...” and the personal conviction of just how to apply the Biblical concepts from Job 29 & Prov 31 for Aaron, that was the start of The Ohio Center for Justice.

Aaron is a follower of Christ, a native Ohioan, and a 16-year business manager in Central Ohio and has seen firsthand the need for advocacy and for a light to be shone on those who are vulnerable due to many life circumstances out of their control.

Our Mission

The mission of The Ohio Center for Justice was born out of matching those in need with volunteers and professionals in the Columbus area who can provide free/reduced price professional counsel and aid. Whether in legal circles, social services, or through law enforcement channels.

Looking upon the widow and the orphan, the poor and distressed. The resident alien - concerning their affliction, oppression, and injustices committed against them.

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